10 Future Technologies by Google that Will Change the World

On: April 16, 2019
By: Abhishek Dey

8. Loon

Description- If any millennial, or for a fact, absolutely anyone is asked to survive and function on a daily basis, without the internet, it would be an impossible task for around 98% of them because the Internet has largely transformed the way we work, communicate, do business, study, learn, govern, exchange ideas and more. But at the same time, not all people have the luxury and benefits that the Internet extends and billions of people across the globe do not have access to the Internet and are unknowingly excluded from the digital revolution that could potentially improve their education, finances, health and more. So, Google came up with a project called Loon to expand Internet connectivity and not following the conventional method to try to extend the Internet from the ground, they try to do the same using a network of balloons, that travels along the edge of space, to better and largen Internet connectivity to rural areas, fill coverage gaps, and significantly better network resilience in the event of a disaster. Their approach is rather better because a cell tower’s coverage is limited, given the height of its antennas and by lifting them into the stratosphere, connectivity can reach to a much larger area.

Interesting Facts:

  • In the stratosphere, the balloons can meet 150°C temperature swings, with temperatures reaching as low as -90°C.
  • The balloons are of the size of a tennis court and each of these polyethylene balloons are designed to survive for more than 100 days in the stratosphere’s harsh conditions.
  • They are powered with solar panels, that provide power during the day and charge an onboard battery for the night time operation.
  • They have a flight capsule that consists of the brain of the system and does the commanding and controlling.
  • The onboard parachute helps in controlled descent and landing.

