Bizarre Airport Moments That Will Make You Laugh

On: May 26, 2021
In: Travel
By: Abhishek Dey

Many people consider airports to be among the most tedious of places. For starters, they’re usually crammed with people, which is always annoying, but most importantly, you always need to have your mind on all the endless paperwork. Suppose you’re one of those people who hates airports. In that case, you’ll definitely start seeing things from another angle after reading through this bizarre list of hilarious happenings witnessed at airport terminals. Are you ready?

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Photo: The Daddest

#24. The Adult Baby

This grown-up man really needs to have his umbilical cord cut off. His parents left him home alone for a few days, and evidently, it was too much for him to bear

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Photo: The Daddest

He was so excited that his parents were back from their trip, that he even forgot to change out of his PJs. Well, this embarrassing welcome is better than no welcome at all!

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