10 Popular Celebrities who Battled Mesothelioma

On: January 9, 2020
In: Health
By: Abhishek Dey

1. Admiral Elmo Zumwalt, Jr., U.S. Chief of Naval Operations (1920-2000)

Elmo Zumwalt was a highly-decorated veteran who became the youngest man to serve as the U.S. Chief of Naval Operations, assuming that position during the Vietnam War era.

His believed his exposure to asbestos came throughout his Naval career, where he served on different ships that were loaded with the toxic fibers. His son Elmo Zumwalt, III, died of cancer at age 42. His father believed his son’s cancer stemmed from his service in Vietnam, where he was exposed to Agent Orange, the deadly herbicide which had received approval for use by the elder Zumwalt.

After retiring from the Navy after 32 years, Zumwalt made an unsuccessful bid for the U.S. Senate. He left behind a legacy of trying to improve conditions for servicemen.

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