10 Popular Celebrities Battling Acid Reflux and Indigestion

On: January 7, 2020
In: Health
By: Abhishek Dey

3. Joss Stone

Joss Stone’s voice first stunned listeners more than a decade ago. The British singer was only 14 years old then, but her booming, soulful voice got noticed, as did her knack for taking success in stride. Alongside Adele, Sam Smith and others, Stone is part of Britain’s longstanding obsession with American soul music. For her, she says, the love affair began early.

Soul sensation Joss Stone had voice issues thanks in part to GERD. Stone had nodules on her throat that were straining her voice. It didn’t help, she says, that she also suffered from acid reflux. The nodules and acid reflux were causing her throat to burn. Resting her voice — as doctors instructed — helped. GERD is common among people who use their voices professionally. Treatment includes avoiding diet triggers and taking medications that help reduce the amount of acid your stomach produces.

